Here's a few outtakes from a film roll fresh out of the oven. As you can see, most of what I'm wearing is vintage and let me just say, Brighton is absolutely spoiling me with its fantastic selection of vintage shops (I've developed a bit of a problem with that and my bank account is not happy). But then, seeing as it's used clothing, it's really just recycling anyway, right? (Right?) I do try to keep buying new, unused clothes to a minimum nowadays since I've become more conscious of the fast fashion industry and it's effects on the world. Sustainability is something I definitely feel very strongly about and try to strive for in my consumption whenever I can.
The blouse is actually something very similar to this Réalisation top I'd been drooling over for some time (except about $135 cheaper). The lucky girl that I am, I just happened to walk into one of the charity shops near my house one day and saw it there, waiting for me to scoop it right up and bring home with me.
What I really like about this particular outfit is that it's pretty easy, casual, and timeless, yet has that definite vintage vibe to it which is ever present in my style. And I mean, blending together 70's and 90's is always, always a yes for me.
Tässäpä teille muutama otos uunituoreelta filmirullalta (vintage-vetimissä hengaillen, kuinkas muutenkaan). Jos muuten ikinä suuntaatte Brightoniin, varatkaa vähintäänkin päivä paikallisen vintage- ja second-hand-tarjonnan katsastamiseen. Siis vähintään.
xx Elina